
Resources for New Gardeners

Beginning a garden can seem like a lot at first, but it is one of the most rewarding experiences you may ever have. Please remember - Cottonwood Community Garden is a pesticide- and chemical-free garden. Organic solutions for your garden are all available to help your soil and plants.

Some of the basic things to consider:

  • What may already be growing in your garden? Are they weeds or plants? Do you want to keep them or get rid of them? There are apps that can help you identify plants. One of our favourites is 'Picture This' ($40/year). You can also ask other gardeners who can help you.
  • Do you have an invasive plant in your garden? If you have an invasive plant (such as gout weed, morning glory, Himalayan blackberry) you will want to remove it.
  • Where does the sun hit your garden plot? Plants like tomatoes love sun, while kale can do okay in part shade.
  • What tools will you need? We recommend three tools: a hand trowel, a hand rake and small clippers. Gardening gloves are also an essential. There are larger tools in the garden shed, as well as garden hoses.
  • What fruits and vegetables do you like to eat? What do they each need for sun, soil and water?
  • Can you reach all of your garden from the edges, or do you need to make a walkway through my garden?
  • Will what you plant in your garden impact your neighbours? Try not to plant anything that may shade your neighbours. Trees are not permitted in garden plots, even fruit or nut bearing trees. There are approximately 30 fruit trees in the common areas.

Reference Books

A guide to organic vegetable, flower and herb gardening, by Robin Mittenthal
Many garden guides provide either too much information about the work of gardening (so much that the novice gardener is overwhelmed), or too little (assuming knowledge of "basic" practices that are actually quite complicated). This free resource provides helpful information about organic gardening with clear and concise explanations.

More Gardening Resources


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